Biden officially endorses Kamala Harris for president
ยท Jul 21, 2024 ยท

If you missed it, Biden bowed to the pressure of the Total State and dropped out of the 2024 race on Sunday afternoon.

His social media intern followed that announcement up with this:

This doesn't mean Kamala is automatically the Democratic nominee, however.

A snap primary will likely occur ahead of the Democratic National Convention in August - or there will be a process for delegates to choose someone at the convention itself.

That is, unless the bigwigs have already planned for someone else with top-tier name recognition and connection to Barrack Obama to allow him to continue to play shadow emperor.

It has to be someone with as many intersectional points as Kamala - no way they'd push aside a black woman for a white dude like Gavin Newsom (unless they are truly desperate).

Anyway, we're living in historic times and both sides of the aisle believe the entire future of America is at stake. Fun!

But just in case it is Kamala, the most unlikeable and incompetent vice president in any of our lifetimes, it seems like a good time to re-share this masterpiece from Adam Ford:

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