Just imagine the headlines if President Trump had said something like this:
"A lot of people don't know how to register. Not everybody in the community, in the Hispanic and African American community, particularly in rural areas that are distant and/or inner city districts know how to use, know how to get online to determine how to get in line for that COVID vaccination at the Walgreens or at the particular store."
Joe's implication here boils down to the following: "People of color are stupider than white folks."
Notice he didn't mention white people living in the inner cities or rural areas. He specifically says that Hispanics and blacks don't know how to use the internet.
Consider this for a moment: when I travelled through rural Ethiopia where people were still farming outside their wooden huts with oxen, everybody and their brother had a mobile data plan. Everyone was on Facebook. People were using music streaming services and showing each other YouTube videos and looking up information online.
But you're telling me you think a black family in Harlem is too dumb to use Google to search for vaccination information?
The sad thing is that Joe's statements are commonplace for the Left. This is also the argument for why voter ID laws are "racist," when the actuality is that their presuppositions are the racist ones:
Remember black readers, you may be an intelligent, independent person made in God's very image, but if you didn't vote for this man, you ain't black!