Seriously. This is just awful to watch. Even President Joe Biden, who at last count was 1,900 years old and can no longer speak or think in complete sentences, is starting to get really bothered by it.
See if you can count how many words Fetterman invents during this short video clip. Also watch Joe Biden's reaction. Also see if you can grasp in any way what exactly Fetterman is trying to say:
"And now I'm standing next to the president again, next to a collapsed bridge here.
"And he is here to commit to work with the governor and the-the-the delegadation to make sure that we get this fixed quick, fast, as well, too.
"This is a president that is committed to infructure, yeah, and then on top of that the jewel, uh, uh, kind of a, uh, law, of the infration-infruc-infration, uh, bill."
In all seriousness: This man does not belong in the Senate. When Joe Biden, who couldn't order a Happy Meal if his life depended on it, is looking at you with horror because you are so dreadfully incapable of communicating properly, it's game over.
For goodness sake people, this is not OK. This man is a United States senator!