Ecuadorian pilot Ariel Valiente kept his cool as a huge bird smashed through the windshield of his crop duster mid-flight.
Video of Valiente shows him covered in blood — maybe the bird's, maybe his own — looking more irritated than scared.
[Warning: Blood, and, like, big dead bird]
Props to this guy for keeping it together and landing safely.
Especially since the bird, which commentators say is an Andean Condor, died shortly after impact.
(Yeah he doesn't appear to be doing too well in the video, dangling legs and whatnot.)
Andean Condors can have up to a nine-foot wingspan and razor sharp talons.
I can tell you this. If that thing came crashing through my windshield, screeching and slashing in its death throes, I'd be more focused on freaking right out and dying in a fiery crash ... not, you know, taking a selfie.