Jordan Peterson went FULL LOBSTER in this Tucker interview on the "divine significance" of truth. And of course the media tried to twist his words.
ยท May 5, 2021 ยท

Like Gandalf the White returning to save Middle Earth in its hour of need, Jordan Peterson has returned to the national stage to save us from wokeism's destruction of truth.

Peterson went on Tucker Carlson's show on Monday to talk about his new book, "Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life," and went full flipping lobster as he talked about the importance of truth and integrity. ๐Ÿฆž

This will be the best two minutes of your day:

Favorite quote:

"Our culture is predicated on the idea that truth in speech is of divine significance. It's the fundamental presupposition of our culture. If you believe that, then you act it out and you take the consequences. You're going to take the consequences one way or another, you know, so do you want the truth on your side, or do you want to hide behind falsehoods?"

Before this clip, Tucker had asked JP if he felt his refusal to use preferred pronouns and buck against other woke ideas was worth it.

Of course, when a man talks about truth having "divine significance," the supremely untrue (one might even say fake) media has to work overtime to make said man look like a sad little clown. Silly notions of truth could undermine their whole business, after all!

Take Newsweek, which published this garbage headline:




Yep, when a man talks about how important it was for him to speak the truth โ€“ even when it caused him to go through a living hell โ€“ the media is going to deliver the point of the message. They're only going to focus on the pain. If you read the article, you'll see there's no mention of Peterson's point of speaking the truth no matter what the cost.

Newsweek's editor considering this fact:

I'll leave you with the end of Peterson's quote again because it's so dang good:

"You're going to take the consequences one way or another, you know, so do you want the truth on your side, or do you want to hide behind falsehoods?"

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