It is a truth universally acknowledged that only women can get pregnant. Oh wait nevermind, there's like millions of people now pretending that men can get pregnant as well, including some of the most dominant corporations in world history:
Apple's own designs for the new emojis are already available in a beta test of iOS 15.4 software update released on Thursday, prior to its full release in the spring.
The pregnant man and pregnant person recognise that 'pregnancy is possible for some transgender men and non-binary people', says Emojipedia, which is part of the California-based Unicode Consortium, the central bank of all approved emoji.
Well, let us so stipulate that, yes, pregnancy is indeed possible for individuals who identify as "transgender men and non-binary people." You know why? It's because they're...wait for it...

This isn't hard.
Oh wait, the emojis have some secondary uses as well:
But the two new pregnant emoji could also potentially be used as 'a tongue-in-cheek way to display a food baby', a very full stomach caused by eating a large meal.

I think I'll just eat a little less and also keep affirming that only women can get pregnant, thank you.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇