The Holocaust museum in Jerusalem is one of the most frightening places I have ever been.
My time there came on the backend of a tour of the Old City – I had hopped across the Israeli border during my time studying Arabic at the University of Jordan and signed up for a last-minute tour.
After a fascinating morning in ancient Jerusalem, we boarded a tour bus and drove to the Holocaust History Museum, where I was unprepared for what awaited us.
Amid all the gruesome images and memorials was a literal wall of Nazi propaganda – a massive display with posters, books, and videos of Hitler speaking about the Jewish "vermin."
A German woman I had befriended on the tour helped translate some of the materials for me. One piece of propaganda that was particularly haunting was a Nazi ad where a wolf chased down a deer, culling the weak to maintain the strength of the herd.
This lesson, of course, was applied to the weak and undesirable human beings that were a "drain" on society's resources – those who were diseased, disabled, gay, or of an "inferior" ethnicity.
The argument was that natural selection and evolution dictated there be checks and balances on the uncontrolled reproduction of humans with weaker genetics. American eugenicists like Margaret Sanger founded entities like Planned Parenthood to cull these "weaker" people (especially, in her mind, the blacks). Germans like Hitler founded camps to eradicate them like rats.
My memory of walking through that museum was triggered again today as I read this Canadian article from 2017 that's been making the rounds on socials again:
Back then, everyone pooh-poohed the slippery slope warnings, saying this was only going to be for a few terminally ill people who wanted to die of dignity on their own terms.
How fast that went off the rails!
State-pushed "suicide" is growing at an exponential rate.
From the 2017 article:
New research suggests medically assisted dying could result in substantial savings across Canada's health-care system.
Doctor-assisted death could reduce annual health-care spending across the country by between $34.7 million and $136.8 million, according to a report published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal on Monday.
The savings exceedingly outweigh the estimated $1.5 to $14.8 million in direct costs associated with implementing medically assisted dying.
I find it absolutely hilarious when lefties accuse the Right of fascism.
Oh, you're an anti-fascist leftist, eh? So you support a powerful authoritarian government that allies itself with corporations to support socialistic policies that include killing off the weak that burden society?

Reminds me of something that the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany once put out:
Caption: "You Are Sharing the Load: A hereditarily ill person costs 50,000 reichsmarks on average up to the age of 60."
I'll never be able to forget the German woman who translated the words of Hitler and the propagandists in that museum. Her voice was hollow and cold. She was translating some of the most vile ideology to ever be spewed from a human mouth. The scars of her country's past clearly still haunted her.
Nations like Canada think they can progress to some bright future by jettisoning the moral framework that has led the West to respect all human life at any stage as equal in value and dignity. Inevitably, those who do so become the same kind of monster as the Nazis.
We need to be talking about this.
If we don't fight against this NOW – if pastors, politicians, and the average citizen doesn't make a stink to high heavens – our descendants will one day be like my German friend in Jerusalem, looking on the sins of their fathers with heavy and haunted hearts.