Just when you thought he couldn't possibly get any creepier, here's Joe Biden taking and escorting a pair of children into the Oval Office
· May 20, 2023 · NottheBee.com

You guys, this might be the creepiest video of our creepy president I've seen so far.

Watch Joe peek around a corner and lure two children into his grasp for a totally normal intimate visit to the Oval Office:

  • "What did you like in Poland, Mr. President?"
  • "Send me your kids right now."


Did you see how they didn't allow the parents to come? What's up with that?

Joe Biden seems to have an insatiable desire to be very close to children and to always be touching them. Even with all the pushback he's gotten about being extremely inappropriately physical with kids, he can't seem to help himself.

Just look at this creeper...

Biden didn't even acknowledge the parents. He just wanted those kids to come with him.

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