Justin Trudeau Just Said "Canada Has Never Been So Strong And Together" Which Is True, But Not In The Way He Thinks
· Feb 9, 2022 · NottheBee.com

Canada's Prime Minister emerged from hiding – err, I mean quarantine - and delivered this message to Parliament on Wednesday:

The fact that Candians stepped up to get vaccinated to nearly 90%...

We stayed focused on fOlLoWiNg tHe ScIeNce, on promoting public health rules and Candians stepped up. In their communities, they stepped up for their frontline health workers, they stepped up for each other.

And Canada has never been so strong and together as we are now!

Well, you might say that's true.

Canada went along with all of Trudeau and the government's nonsense until the mandates ticked off the wrong group: Truckers.

Now they are united and together, only AGAINST Trudeau and the mandates.

Canadians are calling out Trudeau's lies and hypocrisy.

They are coming together to troll the government in Ottawa. Such unity!

Canadians are stronger than ever, supporting each other as truckers fight for their medical freedom.

Being strong and together is starting to work!

So yes, Justin, Canada has never been more united.

They're just united against you!

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