Virtual school over in New Jersey seems to be going pretty well. Except for the fact that you now have angry teachers giving the old one-finger salute to reasonable and concerned parents over Zoom. Other than that, things are great.
It isn't clear what kind of meeting this is, but there appears to be kids, parents, and teachers all on this Zoom call and these KINDERGARTEN TEACHERS are going off and these insane and frustrated rants because, wonder of wonders, 5-year-old kids can't sit still on Zoom and pay attention for a full day.
So, this exchange is pretty insane. It begins with a teacher going on a rant about kids not paying attention, you know, because they're five and this is Zoom, and how frustrating that can be.
Then a parent decides to chime in. This guy is a real hero. First, he shows compassion for the teacher's frustration, because it is understandable, but he makes the very obvious point that there are parents and kids listening so she might want to save her ranting for another time.
"I understand you're frustrated. It's a very good idea to take it off of this. I know you said you don't care who's listening, but it's a good idea to take this conversation somewhere else. Just as a point of reference."
A totally reasonable and kind response.
The dad then turns off his camera and mutes his microphone after wishing them a good day.
The teachers, who obviously aren't used to any criticism sit in stunned silence for several seconds. Like they have no idea what to say or how to process this.
Then the teacher, not on the main screen but off to the side, processes what's happened, a gentle correction, and does what you'd hope any person in charge of teaching five-year-old kids would do when confronted.
She shoots the bird at the dad.

If you watch her screen closely (it's small) but she really emphasizes with her middle finger while mouthing two specific letters, F and U.
Reminder, there appears to be kids and other parents and teachers on this call. It's not private.
The hero and concerned dad immediately pops back up; "Do you think I can't see you!?" Then he releases the most painful sigh you have ever heard in your life. Then he is asked by someone offscreen what happened and he says that the teacher gave him the finger.
It may just be that this teacher Boomered so hard that she thought once the dad turned his camera off that he couldn't see her anymore.
At this point, it's now the dad who is fuming. And who can blame him? This is a person who is supposed to be in charge of educating his children. And she thinks this is proper behavior? This is how adults act?
It seems like these teachers are the childish ones here. Acting like babies simply because someone, rightly, told them to calm down a little and maybe not trash little kids while they were still there listening. I mean, it's not hard to act like a civilized human being. Or at least understand technology enough to turn off the camera.

Covid certainly seems to be highlighting some drastic problems in public schools in America. Be sure to know who is influencing your children.