Kyle Busch and Ricky Stenhouse Jr. fought after the race last night and it was popcorn-worthy
· May 20, 2024 ·

I'm gonna grab you your popcorn in a minute for this fight, but let's first take a look at the events which led up to it.

First and foremost, the bumps from both Kyle Busch and Ricky Stenhouse Jr. I'll take you aboard Busch's #8 car to see what happened. Notice the little bump from Senhouse's #47 car which comes in from the left at around 19 seconds and knocks Busch into the wall. He retaliates shortly after.

One of the only reasons I watch NASCAR right there: For the wrecks.

This particular wreck took Ricky Stenhouse out of the race, and he would leave the track in this fashion right here.

Okay, that's something I might do in this situation, for sure.

So then Ricky went and got himself changed and waited 198 laps so he could have a little talk with Kyle Busch.

And here is that talk from a few angles.



What an exciting day at the track!!!

Quick note: I've been told to mention that Ricky has three career wins, while Busch has 63.

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