Remember way back in the Summer of 2020 when racial issues were at the forefront of everyone's minds, and everyone had lots of opinions on police reform?
Do you also remember how a lot of Conservatives were saying, "Hey, I think we can find some common ground on police unions here." And Black Lives Matter activists were saying "THERE IS NO SOLUTION OUTSIDE OF ABOLISHING THE POLICE."
Well apparently the idea of descending society into lawless chaos turned out to not be as popular as you might imagine. Who woulda thunk it?
So this week the BLM-Los Angeles chapter launched a brand new, never before thought of, campaign against two of California's largest police unions. What a novel idea that no conservative has ever thought of before - going against the public sector unions that swallow up our tax dollars and protect crummy government employees. Amazing this only took BLM 8 years to come up with.

Activists plan to hold weekly protests (which will surely be 100% covid-safe because of the sheer righteousness of their cause) against one union that represents close to 10,000 police officers in Los Angeles.