The Home Office in the UK tweeted out this video on Wednesday that is essentially a highlight reel of their officers busting into people's private residences and breaking up privately hosted events to "protect the NHS." It is so ridiculously over the top that it looks like a parody, but alas, this is Not the Bee.
The UK is letting everyone know, if you have friends over for a birthday party or to watch a sporting event, they are watching and they are not afraid to go full SWAT team on you.
Because SCIENCE of course.
I mean, without the government in the UK who would interrupt dangerous events like baby showers?
If I lived in the UK I would be SO glad that I had a government that cared this much about the health of their citizens. Or at least, as the caption reads, they "Protect the NHS."
It is interesting that the first concern is protecting the NHS, the National Health Service. Can't have anything happen to compromise the state run health care in the UK.
It goes without saying, no matter where you stand on lockdowns, this is insane behavior to brag about. There is zero justification for police to break into people's private homes and arrest people for hanging out.
This one Twitter user sums it up pretty well:
Yes. You are the baddies.