Just in case you ever had any doubt at all that woke ideology is ruining education and poisoning the minds of people everywhere, here's a major education institution arguing that basic mathematics are racist:
Two plus two no longer equals four, according to members of the Ontario Mathematics Coordinators Association (OMCA), who consider the equation to be a white-supremacist dog whistle instead of a basic mathematical truth.
According to a webinar created by OMCA president Jason To, proponents of math's political neutrality who use the phrasing "2 + 2 = 4" are engaged in an act of "Covert White Supremacy."
I cannot stress enough how much this is not a joke. Here's a slide from the webinar:
Let's zoom in a little bit for the folks in the back:
There you have it: "Covert white supremacy!" White supremacy so covert that it looks like a normal, inarguable, incontestable universal mathematical proof! What more evidence do you need?

(Fair warning: If you need more evidence, that makes you a white supremacist.)
And yes, this is a big, important group. The OMCA says on its website that its members "support the effective teaching and learning of mathematics in K-12 classrooms across Ontario," including working with government offices.