Ladies and gentlemen, it's true: the Left cannot meme.
On Friday, Kyle Rittenhouse decided to poke fun at himself with this meme of him crying at the gas pump. Remember that for over a year, he was derided by some of the most powerful people on the planet for self defense, and that his PTSD in the courtroom was mocked openly by megastars like LeBron James.
Just check out this now-deleted tweet from former Republican, now radical lefty, Ron Filipkowski, criticizing a meme shared by Kyle Rittenhouse, commenting on high gas prices.
First off, lefties are so, so internet illiterate and have no idea what meme culture is, that Filipkowski actually thinks this is a video of Kyle Rittenhouse at a gas station reenacting a scene from a trial.
This is a bad internet-quality video that is obviously NOT a reenactment.
He eventually found out the truth:
These are the same killjoys that headlined stories about Trump bodyslamming CNN as "Doctored video" I bet.
Someone, not Kyle, created this meme and Rittenhouse shared it. Because it's funny.
But now, because he shared the video, the haters on the Left think that THE ENTIRE TRIAL OF RITTENHOUSE must be thrown out.
That's seriously their contention.
Here's wife of crazy Lt. Col. Vindman:
Umm, no. He's not. It's a joke.
So, because he shared this dumb meme, he's obviously guilty of murder, despite literally all the evidence.
It's not like Rittenhouse crying was what won the case anyways. It was the literal mountain of evidence vindicating him.
But if he wants to learn to laugh at himself and poke fun at the powerful establishment that tried to utterly crush him, we're not gonna stop him.
Look at this dope running for Congress who ACTUALLY thinks this is a real video and not a meme:
Absolutely unreal.
Here's another viewpoint from the tolerant left.
He busted your narrative and you have to be constantly reminded of it, so you hate him?
That seems healthy.
More from this MSNBC analyst:
I'm starting to think these guys don't like Kyle Rittenhouse.
When someone exposes your whole narrative as a bogus lie, then you have no choice but to gnash your teeth at them every chance you get.
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