Lefties Were Quick To Blame Trump Supporters For Swastikas Drawn All Around Union Station. Turns Out They Were Drawn By An Illegal Immigrant.
ยท Feb 3, 2022 ยท NottheBee.com

This is a classic case of jumping to conclusions before all of the evidence comes in.

Last week, someone drew swastikas all over Union Station in Washington DC, as was reported by Bo Erickson of CBS:

Of course, since Trump and all of his supporters are totally Nazis, this must have been a racist Trump supporter who wanted to spread this message of hate and bigotry.

Lefties on Twitter were quick to assign Trump the blame:

Obviously, it's those dang, anti-vax mandate, anti-history education, ignorant, racist, anti-black and brown people Republicans committing this horrendous act!!!

They are the absolute worst!


It turns out the real culprit was not exactly the white, conservative straw man they were hoping for... or an American for that matter.




It wasn't a Trumpster after all. It was a twice deported illegal alien with a 35-page rap sheet who can't be deported thanks to the Biden administration.

But those racist MAGA Republicans are the worst, right???

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