Brazilian mayoral candidate crushes conservative opponent during live debate … with a chair!
· Sep 16, 2024 ·

In the U.S., we have crazy people on the Left trying to assassinate right-wing candidates.

But down in Lula's super-communist Brazil, they just bash the conservatives with chairs, like Socialist Democrat José Luiz Datena did during the Mayor of Sao Paulo debate.

Take a gander at this madness:

My favorite part is the sign-language lady's face:

The whole reason for the pro-wrestling move was because libertarian candidate Pablo Marcal reminded everyone that Luiz Datena had sexual assault charges filed against him.

Marcal ended up rushed from the stage to the hospital with cracked ribs and a fractured wrist.

Datena was not arrested or charged, and the debate continued on without Marcal.

When asked about the incident the socialist candidate said,

If the circumstances were the same, I would not refrain from repeating the gesture, an extreme response to a history of aggression perpetrated against me and many others by my adversary.

He doesn't even care.

Thanks to Brazil's new communist regime cracking down on free speech, Musk's X has been banned from the country.

It's entirely likely this insane political moment will just be memory-holed for them.

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