Woke journalist calls CPS to get conservative candidate's daughter taken away because she thinks only women can get pregnant and likes Christopher Columbus
· Oct 11, 2022 · NottheBee.com

Guess what?

If you don't agree with the leftist political preferences they think you are an evil and dangerous person and will lobby the state to take your children away.

At least that's what one lefty activist is actively trying to do to Tina Ramirez, a conservative candidate for senate in Virginia.

Here's how it started:



That's activist journalist David Leavitt, who once tried to get a Target employee fired for not selling him a toothbrush for one cent, went after Ramirez for her "hate."

(He's been featured in outlets like CBS and Yahoo because of course.)

It's a non-sequitur, but apparently, this is in response to Ramirez celebrating Columbus Day.

In response, Ramirez fired back with more hard truth that Leavitt wasn't prepared to hear.

Of course, because Ramirez wants to teach ACTUAL history to HER children, Leavitt decided it would be a good idea to harass her, ruin her life, and try to get her daughter taken away.

Wokeism is a mental disease.

He then tweets the number out again 7 more times, before deciding to continue attacking Ramirez.

Yeah, so this dude is all sorts of messed up in the head.

What an absolute evil moron.

Literally, this dude is calling the authorities on this woman and trying to have her child removed from her because she likes Christopher Columbus.

This is targeted harassment of an individual and is supposed to be against Twitter rules. Funny how the bird app can't suspend this dude but have no problem taking down conservative voices at the drop of a hat.

Ramirez responded with this:

This is a political slam dunk for Ramirez. Just say normal, conservative things, then the radical lefties can't help themselves and go crazy.

This does nothing except help Ramirez politically.

And Leavitt may be in even more trouble.

Leavitt messed around, and he may be about to find out.

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