Bro, is Gay Ramadan almost over or what? Sheesh, it's like every day we're hit with another dose of gay like we're some transgender teenager with liberal parents being shot up with testosterone or something.
Today's dose is brought to you by LEGO, who shared this mini story entitled "Pride Parade" on Instagram and other platforms on Thursday.
We got drag queens.
This one looks like a genital- and breast-removing doctor.
Checks all the boxes, LEGO. Except, as is the trend lately, I don't see many cis gay white males. I guess homonormativity just isn't in anymore.
I'm sorry, but if LEGO was really being honest here they'd have shown a young child trying to fit a few Legos together by shoving the male end into the male end, or the female end to the female end. The video would've lasted much longer than the one above, but we would've all learned a valuable lesson in anatomy.
Or they could've just put out an ad for one of these sets. π
Thanks for being gay, LEGO!!
P.S. Now check out our latest video π