Let's check in to see what leftist Twitter is up to on a Friday afternoon ... oh goodness
· Jul 8, 2022 · NottheBee.com

Yep, pretty much what I thought.



Someone got paid to write this article, which was posted in 2017 and updated today.

There's no point in diving into the article, because it is a useless waste of space for anyone over the age of 3 who understands the difference between men and women.

What's hilarious, however, is the reaction from the trans cultists:

You might be wondering why I would even care.

To that, I would ask why Twitter decided to throw this in my top stories feed under the assassination of Japan's former prime minister.

The heck, Twitter? You can promote this nonsense and give a checkmark to this account with 10x less followers than Not The Bee?

What a Friday.

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