Let's check in on the state of the airline industry, shall we?
· Sep 19, 2024 · NottheBee.com

Just in case you thought anything was getting better in the airline industry, well, it's not:

Multiple Delta Air Lines passengers are recovering from bloody noses and burst ear drums suffered during a terrifying cabin pressure issue.

Passengers quickly began to experience pain after the Sept. 15 flight from Salt Lake City, Utah, to Portland, Oregon, got into the air.

One passenger describes the horrific situation:

I looked over at my husband, and he had both of his hands over his ears, you know, kind of leaning forward ... I looked about a row behind me, over on the other side of the aisle, and there was a gentleman that clearly had a very bad bloody nose, and people were trying to help him.

Another woman said she felt "a stabbing pain in her ear before hearing it pop and bubble."

I kinda get the feeling we're just a few months away from a full-on "Lost"-style disaster in a U.S. airplane:

The flight "returned to Salt Lake International Airport where 10 people were treated or evaluated by paramedics." The airline, meanwhile, said it "sincerely apologize[s] to our customers for their experience."

Yeah if I need to travel cross-country I think I'll take the train, thanks.

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