Let's talk about these absolute heroes who tackled one of the shooters in Kansas City yesterday
· Feb 15, 2024 · NottheBee.com

These dudes risked life and limb to protect their neighbors!

During the aftermath of yesterday's shooting at the Kansas City Chief's Super Bowl celebration parade a heroic KC fan noticed one of the men behind the shooting taking off running and, channeling his inner linebacker, chased him down and tackled him to the ground.

Here's video of the chase:

The one guy chased him down and tackled him to the ground, then another couple of guys who understood what was happening jumped on top to help hold the alleged shooter down until police got there.

Local news interviewed the first hero, Paul Contreras.

Listen to his side of the story:

I didn't think about, I didn't hesitate. It's just reaction. I went to tackle him and this other gentleman did the same thing and as I'm tackling him I see his weapon either fall out of his hand or out of his sleeve, because he was wearing a long jacket ... So when I see that hit the ground I'm like, 'Oh, we gotta take this guy down.' And like I said, I did. And this other good samaritan did, we held him down.

No second thought. No hesitation. He just jumped in and tackled the alleged killer and held him till the cops got there.

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