Look at all the U.S. military goodies the Taliban now controls 🤦‍♂️
· Aug 16, 2021 · NottheBee.com

Congratulations, America. The Taliban now controls more of Afghanistan than when we first went in and they have WAY more dangerous toys since we apparently didn't secure a bunch of military hardware on our way out.

Why yes, that is a M2 Browning .50 Cal, why do you ask???

So glad we've stockpiled all the weapons in convenience places for them!

I mean, I'd be pumped if I were a terrorist who just found a shiny high-tech blaster to replace my 40-year-old Kalashnikov.

Question: If Joe Biden doesn't want Americans to own anything other than a musket, why do Islamist terrorists get to have humvees and drones??

What about Blackhawks?? As a taxpaying American, I want a chopper!

At least the Taliban has the same perspective on civilians owning "weapons of war" as the Democrats, Joe Biden, and ATF nominee David Chipman!

I'm sure Afghanis will feel really safe now with this "progressive" gun control policy!

It might be a crazy bad situation with horrible ramifications, but I'm LOLing at this. It's worthy of laughing at. The stupidity that has allowed this to happen deserves to laughed at for the rest of human history.

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