LOL this Texas politician REALLY took this Bible verse about "election" WAY out of context
· Aug 9, 2021 ·

I don't know if this clip from a woman speaking in the Texas senate quite tops "amen and awomen," but it's pretty dang hilarious.




Because this video points out America's tanking biblical literacy, let me make it abundantly clear that the Apostle Peter is not talking in any way about politics, representative democracy, or poll watchers in his second letter.

"Election" refers to the "elect" or "chosen" of God – those who the Apostle Paul says in Romans 9 are called to be "prepared beforehand for glory."

In short, Peter is telling those who follow Christ to confirm their calling by (as he says in the proceeding verses) adding virtue, knowledge, self-control, steadfastness, godliness, brotherly affection, and love to their faith. This mirrors the Christian dichotomy expressed elsewhere of being saved by grace through faith alone and not through personal works (Ephesians 2:8-9), but that faith without actions is dead (James 2:17).

If you want to know what the biggest problem facing America is right now – with all the junk you could choose from – biblical illiteracy is probably it.

Read your Bible, America!

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P.S. While you're here, watch our newest video showing gaffemaster Joe Biden's "most profound and inspirational quotes" 😏:

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