It's easy to look at Joe Biden and be like, "That poor old guy. He's asleep half the time and confused the other half. He has no idea what's going on." And I think that's not wrong. Biden is 80 years old going on 4,000 and it shows.
Still. I feel like the guy has enough cognizance and awareness to not let this happen:
Kristina Ishmael's Twitter account was put on private Monday, but not before Fox News Digital documented dozens of her claims about White people and White supremacy's purported ties to American democracy, Evangelical Christians and fatphobia (bias against fat people).
Ishmael is the deputy director in the Office of Educational Technology. The office implements policies for "equity of access" to technology.
"[Democracy is] also built on white supremacy, which I see perpetuated in education circles when BIPOC folx are being told they're too negative by addressing real issues instead of superlatives," she said.
Me after discovering that "democracy is also built on white supremacy, which I see perpetuated in education circles when BIPOC folx are being told they're too negative by addressing real issues instead of superlatives:"

Some other nuggets of wisdom from this educational sage:
"In most 'inclusive' materials,' the most dominant folx are still represented in the marginalized group (e.g. white, cis, gay men). This does not include the nuance of this group..."
"[M]ost of my curriculum was written from a very narrow and white perspective..."
"As a teacher, how many times have you been asked to uphold white supremacy through dominant-culture norms..."
Me to Miss Ishmael: