Nathan Halliday didn't think he was in any danger when he picked up the family's cute, adorable pet hamster, Mochi, but he was indeed wrong.
Mochi randomly attacked him, nibbling Halliday's finger like it was a baby carrot.
What happened next was anything but adorable: Mochi took two breaths and died. Yup, just croaked right then and there as if the finger was some sort of poison.
But that wasn't the end of the tragedy. Suddenly, Halliday's face swelled and his throat closed.
Had what killed Mochi infected him?!
Well, rodents like hamsters have been known to transfer bacteria to humans, not to mention rabies, so that was the first thought.
However, while Mochi had been ill, and passed away from that illness, it was not this illness that made Halliday sick.
It turned out that the poor guy was allergic to hamsters!
Who would've thought that such a thing actually exists, but apparently it does, and it can be deadly!
Luckily in Halliday's case, he made it to the hospital in time to receive epinephrine.
Nathan said: 'It was absolutely horrendous. Especially as I had no idea a hamster bite could cause something like this.
'My whole body felt swollen and my throat hurt - I couldn't even speak and it was like breathing through a straw. I was covered in hives.
'Nobody had ever heard of what had happened before. It amused the doctors but they were very professional about it.
'They gave me epi pens for the next time a hamster wants to take me on.
'All jokes aside, the experience was really very scary.'
He's tried to play the whole incident off, telling everyone that he was stung by a scorpion, but news travels fast when you nearly die from a hamster bite.
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