Marine Lt. Col. relieved of command over FIERY viral video blasting military brass for crisis in Afghanistan ๐Ÿ”ฅ
ยท Aug 28, 2021 ยท

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If you're like me, you might be wondering what in this video (full 5-min version here) was so offensive that this Lt. Colonel would be relieved of command.

It's exactly what the American people are thinking right now. The frustration is with the inept White House led by a 50-year politician who hasn't been right on foreign policy for decades.

The anger is with a Pentagon that focuses on studying "white rage" and lauding transgenderism instead of learning to be lethal warrior poets.

Doesn't matter. That senior leadership might not be able to do diddly squat in the field of combat, but boy do they move fast to silence dissent!

Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller posted on Facebook that he has "been relieved for cause based on lack of trust and confidence as of 14:30 today."

Lack of trust and confidence? This guy might be one of the few in the military the PEOPLE actually TRUST right now!

Scheller said that one of the people who died Thursday [in the Kabul suicide bombing] was someone he knew personally, but he said that was not the sole reason for his video, and others have shared similar frustrations.

He said he was willing to risk severe sanctions for speaking out if it brings further attention to the questions he raised of military leadership.

"I think what you believe in can only be defined by what you're willing to risk," he said. "So โ€ฆ I think it gives me some moral high ground to demand the same honesty, integrity, accountability from my senior leaders."

Later, Scheller posted this to his Facebook:

This marine is a hero. The Biden admin has wanted to crack down on "extremism" among our troops, but take a moment to look with your own eyes. Who is the extremist?

The man who risks his position to demand accountability with a level head for his fallen brothers?

Or the leaders who protect their position by 1) badgering subordinates, 2) calling patriotic Americans extremists, and 3) capitulating to terrorists?

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