Massachusetts will soon replace “mother” with “person who gave birth” and “father” with “other parent” on birth certificates
· Jul 31, 2024 ·

Good to see Massachusetts has solved every other problem in the world and can now turn to implementing bizarre, destructive, antiscientific woke ideology in its state records:

Look at this:

"Person who gave birth" ... "Other parent"

It's true, according to BillTrack:

The bill replaces gendered terms such as 'mother' and 'father' with neutral terms like 'parent' or 'the person who gave birth.' It also changes the words 'child born out of wedlock' to 'nonmarital child' and the term 'paternity' to 'parentage.'

These lunatics are taking a flamethrower to fatherhood and motherhood and reducing people to the lowest level of animal functions. There is something profoundly deep, spiritual, and meaningful about being a father or mother, and each of those roles is unique and wonderful in its own ways.

Removing those terms dehumanizes humanity in the same way that one might assign numbers to slaves instead of their names.

Birthing persons and other parents of Massachusetts: You might want to stop this crazy train before you have no humanity left.

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