Transportation Secretary Gay Mayor Pete went on The View and was asked about the Florida Parental Rights in Education law, designed to prevent the grooming of kids K-3rd grade, and if it would "kill kids."
His answer, to no one's shock, was that he agreed with the outrageous claim.
Buttigieg is specifically asked if he agreed with the statement that the DoN't sAy GaY bill would "kill kids."
Yeah, he's right. And I think every law ought to be judged for the effect it's going to have on real people in real life.
And I get the political reasons, why they're doing this. And, by the way, some of those political reasons, they don't have a plan on anything else.
So, according to Mayor Pete, this law will kill kids and Republicans are going all-in on this issue because... they don't have a plan on inflation.
Yeah. OK.
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