Media tries to blast DeSantis using Supreme Clown Fauci, gets roasted as governor deflects their energy attack back at them
· Sep 8, 2021 ·

The media and the Democrats (but I repeat myself) really, really, REALLY want to take Florida Gov. DeSantis out.

Unfortunately, attempt #982 fell short. A reporter asked the governor this question—

Governor you recently said that unvaccinated individuals had no impact on numbers and Dr. Fauci was quoted saying that —

—And DeSantis wasn't going to play those games.

That's not what I said. No, no, no, that's not what I said. Not that I ever expect to be quoted properly.

What I said was, if you're going to force vaccine mandates on people, just to understand that what the data is showing us about the vaccine, the data is showing us you're much less likely to be hospitalized or die if you're vaccinated. That is true. And I think you see it in the statistics. However, the vaccinations have not created herd immunity. So if the idea is that having herd immunity, you force everyone to do this, and that will create a herd immunity that has not happened. It's still spreading.

DeSantis then tore into Health Jester Anthony Fauci, who hates anyone who challenges his claim to be the God of Science.

Fauci also said if 50% were vaccinated, you would not see any surges anymore.

Well, that isn't true. Look at obviously the Sunbelt, look in the Pacific Northwest, look at Hawaii, huge surges that you've seen. And so, but just understand what you're doing.

...We had hoped you could build herd immunity that way, but that just hasn't happened. It's not happening in Israel. It didn't happen in the UK. It's not happening in the United States. It doesn't mean that there's not positive impacts. But the positive impacts is mostly reducing the vaccinated individuals a chance of being severely ill.

This guy doesn't waffle. He's been steady on his course throughout the pandemic and has made slight adjustments as new information has become available.

Compare that to Dr. Fauci, who has literally flip-flopped and lied about pretty much every dang thing you can name, while asserting that you must follow his words as gospel truth.

Fauci claimed in December 2020 that if 50% of Americans were vaxxed, we'd start to see major improvement in cases (and herd immunity by 75-80%), yet cases are still rising super fast in the most locked-down and vaxxed places.

Here's the full clip of straight fire from DeSantis, where he cites a ton more stats than even the talking heads in the media know. This is all data he has available at the tip of his tongue.

America needs leaders like this.

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