The Shelby County Commission is granting $25,000 to the CHOICES women's health center in Memphis, Tennessee in order to build a playground.
A PLAYGROUND. For children to play on.
As you might guess from the name, the Women's health center conducts abortions. CHOICES executive director, Jennifer Pepper, said of the center:
We are the only truly comprehensive, reproductive health center in the nation that offers birth, prenatal care, wellness and abortion services under one roof, and we are proud to make Memphis the home of this ground-breaking model...
I guess you can say they provide services from womb to tomb.

One City Council member, Dr. Jeff Warren, voted in favor of the controversial resolution, saying,
A playground for moms to bring their other children to play will help improve follow-up of those pregnancies in medical care for their moms.
I think he's talking about "other children" in reference to women seeking prenatal care. But let's not forget they're still the mom's "other children" if she's seeking an abortion, as she most likely is at this facility.
According to Live Action,
In 2020, the facility reported only 45 births while committing 2,399 abortions.
Apparently, that's "family-friendly" these days.
"Many of our patients have children," executive director Jennifer Pepper said. "The playground helps promote our family-friendly and inclusive environment."
Well, friendly for some, at least. Some kids will go to this facility and have a great time playing on the brand new playground equipment paid for by the city of Memphis... while their moms are inside having their siblings killed.