Meta is removing news from Canadian Facebook and Instagram thanks to ridiculous new law
· Aug 2, 2023 ·

Canadians are starting to see less and less actual news in their Facebook and Instagram feeds thanks to a law passed by Canada's leftist political party that would require social media companies to PAY for Canadian news sources to have their posts on the website.

The Online News Act, passed by the Canadian parliament, would force platforms like Google parent Alphabet and Meta to negotiate commercial deals with Canadian news publishers for their content.

"News outlets voluntarily share content on Facebook and Instagram to expand their audiences and help their bottom line," Rachel Curran, Meta's head of public policy in Canada, said. "In contrast, we know the people using our platforms don't come to us for news."

Meta is saying that Canadian news services need Facebook much, much more than Facebook needs them.

This was a bizarre scheme by Canada to make money for their state-run media, but Meta would just rather not let Canadians have news at all.

Canadian Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge, who is in charge of the government's dealings with Meta, said in a Tuesday statement: "This is irresponsible."

"They would rather block their users from accessing good quality and local news instead of paying their fair share to news organizations," St-Onge said.

I mean, seriously, what does Canada think their news organizations bring to Instagram and Facebook? Is Facebook going to even notice Canadian news services are missing? No! Of course, not!

Meta had said links to news articles make up less than 3% of the content on its users' feed and argued that news lacked economic value.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had said in May that such an argument was flawed and "dangerous to our democracy, to our economy."

This is just an attempt by totalitarian leftists to bully Facebook around.

Facebook has A LOT of problems, but in this case, Canada has really pushed the boundary.

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