GOOD NEWS BREAK: This nurse landed her first job in the NICU that saved her life
· Jun 14, 2024 ·

Hayley Good and her twin sister Hillary were born on June 9, 2002, at just 24 weeks gestation. Sadly, Hillary only lived for two days, and doctors told the twin's parents that the prognosis for Hayley was not good.

Hayley weighed only 1lb 9oz., and required heart surgery. The doctors told her parents that even if Hayley survived the surgery, her life expectancy would be short and filled with medical complications.

But Hayley beat the odds, in part thanks to the team of NICU nurses who cared for her at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.

Hayley told PEOPLE,

I was told that they [NICU nurses] tirelessly worked and advocated for me, even though they weren't even sure if I was going to survive.

After four months in the NICU, Hayley went home. She faced many health challenges over the course of her childhood, including several surgeries, but has lived a normal life.

This year, she earned her degree in nursing from Cedarville University and what do you know, is headed back to the NICU at Nationwide Children's Hospital - this time as an employee.

Good said in a press release from Cedarville University,

They told me I might never have a normal life, but by the grace of God, I finished nursing school and am now entering the field as a professional. I think it's special that I get to be a light to these parents who don't know what their kids' lives are going to be like. It's special to be able to give them a small glimpse of hope that their kid could be normal, have a full life and do all the things they dream they will do.

Good went on to say,

Working in the NICU is taxing, but it helps you realize the importance of life and death and how, as a Christian nurse, you can serve in times of difficulty. You get to be the person to walk through all those highs and lows with them, and that's a super special way to serve as both a healthcare professional and a Christian.

God bless this sweet young lady. I know she will be a blessing to many families walking through those doors.

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