Microsoft Windows will soon begin "remembering and understanding everything you do" via constant screenshots
ยท May 21, 2024 ยท

I didn't need a reason to stay away from Windows, but it was sure nice enough of Microsoft to give me one:

Microsoft's opening pitch for the AI era of the PC is simple: Your new Windows machine can find that thing you saw once on screen, even if you don't remember where you saw it. ...

Recall is like bestowing a photographic memory on everyone who buys a Copilot+ PC, Microsoft consumer marketing chief Yusuf Mehdi told Axios. ...

Users can type in details about the file they're looking to locate or use a slider to view the PC's digital memory chronologically.

Um, yeah, my response is a two-parter.



I really don't need Microsoft tracking literally everything on my computer, at all times, even if it's "local."

Oh, but don't worry, we'll totally have control over this all-seeing record-keeping feature!

For those who don't want everything they do logged and stored, Microsoft allows people to delete specific snapshots, choose specific websites or apps not to include in Recall, and to snooze the feature for a particular period of time.

Great! So we can laboriously go through and clear out a few of the machine's several thousand snapshots; we can keep a running list of things we don't want it to record, and we can turn it off for just a little bit.

No thank you!

Meanwhile, over at Apple:


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