Man, this is great stuff, I don't care what race you are. Miss Universe Zimbabwe — that's in Africa, y'all — is a white woman, and the internet is not happy. Well, at least the half of the internet that's always crying about something. They're mad.
That's Zimbabwe native Brooke Bruk-Jackson, and while she doesn't look the part, she is now the representative for Zimbabwe in this year's Miss Universe competition. She's beautiful and so were all the other candidates, but what's really got the internet upset is the fact that she's white. Because apparently you can't be white and win an award in Zimbabwe.
Here are some of the best reactions from the internet:
Mugabe being the former Zimbabwean black nationalist president.
Rhodesia being the former British colony there in Zimbabwe.
Pretty racist, right? A lot of comments on this were blocked or hidden, so you can imagine what those ones looked like.
Anyhow, contrast all those comments with this little side-by-side right here:
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, diversity is only a good thing when it's the kind of diversity that puts white people in the background. This Zimbabwean debacle, well, it's just plain white supremacy, as they say.
And to be honest, I'm just glad it's an actual woman who won, and not some dude in a dress.
Here's an interview with the winner:
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