M&Ms introduces all-female candy packs to support women crushing men in the creative arts or something.
· Jan 9, 2023 · NottheBee.com

M&Ms is releasing an all-female candy packages that will only contain the brown, green, and purple M&Ms because the animated M&Ms of those colors are feminine (though the purple one might just be masquerading as a woman).

Ladies, I know you're teetering on the edge of linguistic existence, but literally none of the little candy-coated chocolates in these packs are women. They're not even men pretending to be women.

Let's hold on to the little bit of sanity we have, shall we?

Mars the company that owns M&Ms doesn't think so. Gabrielle Wesley, chief marketing officer at Mars Wrigley North America says,

Women all over the world are flipping how they define success and happiness while challenging the status quo, so we're thrilled to be able to recognize and celebrate them. And who better to help us on that mission than our own powerhouse spokescandies Green, Brown and Purple?

Okay, they're "spokescandies," fine. 🙄

So, what does "challenging the status quo" mean?

Well, according to Mars' website, it means changing the status quo in the creative industry.

The focus is on the music industry, where males dominate in careers: 64.9% to 35.1%.

But lest you should think this is some sort of equitable thing, the company also wants to support women in other creative industries like art, where women already dominate 54.8% to 45.2%.

They're even trying to "flip the status quo" in cake decorating where women dominate 91.1% to 8.9%.

I'm so confused, but not nearly as confused as that purple M&M.

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