Welcome to America where we'll let you into the country no questions asked, allow you to live in our largest city, beat up cops, and get out of jail with no bail!
Oh, and it was all caught on video.
It sounds totally made up. But it's 2024.
Yes, this really happened over the weekend. A mob of illegal aliens ganged up on a couple of New York City cops, kicked the crap out of them, and when they were all rounded up the judge let them out without bail.

From the New York Post:
Police initially busted four of the asylum-seeking thugs, identified by sources as Darwin Andres Gomez Izquiel, 19, Kelvin Servat Arocha, 19, Juarez Wilson, 21, and Yorman Reveron, 24.
All four were charged with assault and released without bail, sources said.
They picked up a fifth illegal immigrant for the crime on Monday.
5 young punks between 19 and 24 "seeking asylum" in the US.
Fighting aged men.
Call me what you want, but I think I'm starting to doubt these guys are legit refugees.

One of them already has an open case in New York for burglary.
Ron DeSantis weighed in:
Couldn't say it better myself.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇