Noora Shalash is CAIR-Kentucky's former Director of Government Affairs (which is a fancy way of saying "professional outrage coordinator"). She just had a public meltdown of insane levels.
Check it out:
In a bold career move, she went ahead and called for jihad against Jewish visitors in a Manhattan building — because apparently, that's just another Tuesday for CAIR.
Here's a longer clip if you want it:
[Warning: Strong Language]
The details are vague on why Noora was there or why she was making death threats. But the security officers on site called the police upon her refusing to leave the property.

For those blissfully unaware, CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) is that far-left, grievance-fueled activist group that President Obama practically gift-wrapped for America back in the hope and change era.
And, in a plot twist shocking to absolutely no one, CAIR has a casual history of being linked to Islamic terrorism — or, at the very least, bending over backward to excuse it.
CAIR has gotten so bad for PR that even Biden had to visibly cut ties with them in 2023.
CAIR condemned Noora's actions in a statement and said she hadn't worked with the organization in 5 years, but people still had questions:
Social media sleuths have uncovered a multi-year slide into increasingly crazed posts from Noora ... hopefully she gets the help she needs.
As for her former bosses, the Florida House voted to denounce CAIR last year. While we're talking about it, the rest of the nation should follow suit.
Oh, and one more thing. Noora was born in Jordan. Perhaps we should review the citizenship status of people like her that call for jihad?

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