Detroit Police Chief James Craig has some concerns about the Department of Justice's new and widespread investigations into police departments across the nation, as well as the new George Floyd Justice in Policing Act that would effectively destroy local police and give the federal government the power to police us all.
Check out some of his comments in a recent interview about the Justice in Policing Act, timestamped for your convenience:
Lemme zero in on this quote:
"This is a veiled attempt, I think, at dismantling policing."
I'd agree, except with the "veiled" part. This is straight-up communism, my friends.
When Craig says this would completely "decimate policing as we know it," he's not joking.
Here's what the Justice in Policing Act would do:
- Allow civil lawsuits against police, which you can bet will force a huge number of police to quit so they don't get sued every day.
- Keep officers from accessing "military" technology, because only the federal government is righteous enough to have such goodies (for our own good).
- Severely limit the use of force against violent criminals (so we'll only have to worry about dead cops and innocents).
- Mandate super-woke critical race theory training for every officer in America (effectively destroying the separation of power between police agencies in our federalist system).
- Create a "police misconduct registry" so that every officer in America can be watched and monitored by the federal government (which again, is wholly righteous, may the Party be praised!)
The Act says it would "Empower our communities to reimagine public safety in an equitable and just way."
In other words: "You will obey the State now, comrades."

Chief Craig also supported GOP Sen. Tim Scott's police reform bill, which was shot down cold by Democrats last year.
As a reminder, I just want to point out that Craig is a black leader in one of the oldest Democratic strongholds in the nation.
Remember that when you hear the talking heads in the media say this is an evil talking point of racist conservatives!