You thought it was over. Vaccines are available for anyone who wants them, cases and deaths have all dropped off to below epidemic levels, life is getting back to normal for everyone, right? Right?
Well, if our nation's public school teachers and their representatives get their way, then no. We will never get back to normal.
The National Education Association, America's largest teachers union, now plans to debate a new policy that would demand ALL STUDENTS be vaccinated for Covid-19 before returning to in-person education.
Yes, from the NEA website this proposal is awaiting debate. According to the proposal "The NEA will call for mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations and testing for all students and staff before returning to face-to-face instruction in the fall."

Also, as part of the proposal, it isn't enough to just make these crazy and unnecessary demands, they have to "widely publicize this position via social media."
What's the point of ridiculously demanding anti-scientific barriers to actually doing your job if you can't brag about it?
This isn't just some small demand that will probably be ignored, it has already been submitted by a group of 50 delegates to the Teachers Union.
Now, when the science isn't on your side how do you justify this move? Well, just take a look at the stated rationale that goes along with this proposal. It will tell you everything you need to know about the people making these demands.
Apparently, the biggest danger of the virus is how "unwoke" it is.

Rationale: COVID-19 has already killed over 600,000 people. Black and Latinx communities have suffered twice the deaths, and this inequality will deepen as variants spread. The pandemic respects no boundaries. We must fight for a policy that puts human life first.
Ahh yes, the Covid-19 virus, while not being a serious danger to youth, is, however, very anti-woke. Covid-19, because it's such a racist virus, needs to be taken with extreme seriousness.
Parents surely won't put up with this type of nonsense for another full year, right? Right?