Science journal Nature shocked to learn that endorsing Biden hurt their credibility and the credibility of the scientific community in general šŸ¤­
Ā· Mar 21, 2023 Ā·

The people responsible for mixing politics and science are absolutely shocked that Americans find it harder to trust The Scienceā„¢ when the scientific community comes out as completely politicized.

In this article, Nature magazine discovers that endorsing political candidates like the senile Joe Biden does nothing to help the candidate but does hurt their credibility.

Who would have imagined that taking money from politicians, endorsing them, becoming completely politicized by the Left, and saying insane things like "racism is more dangerous than Covid" to justify riots would make people trust Nature magazine and the scientific community less??

I mean, who could have seen the scientific community committing this error?

Here's how it happened:

That's the best and most simple summary you'll find anywhere.

Maybe the biggest "yeah duh" moment from an "academic" journal in some time.

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