After years of abuse, our boys in the special forces just scored a major win.
Remember this turd? This is General Mark Milley, one of the worst military leaders in America's history π
(Lipstick and nails may or may not be photoshopped)
In 2021, he presided over an abusive and egregious Covid vax mandate that destroyed the lives of thousands of Navy SEALs.
Over 8,000 service members were fired after refusing the shot or being denied religious exemptions for the vaccine. They were passed up for promotions and career opportunities, they were ordered to pay back signing bonuses and even ordered to pay back the cost of their training, hundreds of thousands of dollars.
In a letter, service members detailed some of the abuses they endured:
While implementing the COVID-19 vaccine mandate, military leaders broke the law, trampled constitutional rights, denied informed consent, permitted unwilling medical experimentation, and suppressed the free exercise of religion ... some service members became part of our ever-growing veteran homeless population, some developed debilitating vaccine injuries, and some even lost their lives.
So, while this dishonorable pile of flesh Mark Milley got to retire with accolades and financial security for the rest of his life, the men underneath him continue to suffer greatly, having lost the career they gave their entire lives to.
Thankfully, our brave warriors have secured their first major legal victory over this pathetic excuse for an administration.
The major settlement will include the following:
Service members who quit the Navy after being 'mistreated' will have their records corrected
The Navy will post a statement affirming the Navy's respect for religious service members
The military will provide "more training" for the personnel who review religious accommodation requests and change their policies
The government will pay all attorney fees accumulated over the litigation process
This seems like a great start, but we think these SEALs deserve millions in cash payouts for the suffering they endured.
Also, we'd like to see General Milley in one of these contraptions while people throw rotten cabbage at him:
P.S. Now check out our latest video π