Netflix removes LGBTQ tag from “Dahmer” due to LGBTQ complaints: “This is not the representation we’re looking for.”
· Sep 29, 2022 ·

We recently reported on all the complaints about Netflix calling its new true crime documentary "Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story" LGBTQ:

Jeffrey Dahmer was a gay, pedophile, cannibalistic serial killer who was finally caught in the early 1990s. Netflix's adaptation of his story appropriately labeled LGBTQ.

However, within two days, the tag was removed as LGBTQ subscribers freaked out that the streaming giant would remind everyone that Dahmer was a homosexual.

As one LGBTQ subscriber wrote, "This is not the representation we're looking for."

According to Variety,

"The tag is normally used to spotlight shows such as ‘Heartstopper' and ‘Sex Education,' both of which include LGBTQ characters and subject matter in a positive light."

Netflix caved quickly and wordlessly. They have not weighed in on the issue at all, but the outrage and media coverage seem to have worked for them: "Dahmer" came in as their number one viewed program with 196 million hours viewed.

There's nothing quite like a little free advertising from wokies on full destruct mode. Plus, the wokies feel like they won something because a Netflix employee unchecked a box and are advertising the show some more while they do a victory lap.

It's funny though, Dahmer being a member of the LGBTQ community isn't even the most controversial thing about him. In fact,being a murderous cannibal isn't even the most controversial thing about him.

The most controversial thing about him is that according to prison minister Kurt Booth, Dahmer had a sincere conversion to Christianity in prison.

At the time of Dahmer's murder, Booth said,

"I know Jeffrey was ready. Today, all the angels in heaven are rejoicing because Jeffrey has come home.

"He's in paradise today," Booth said. "On the great resurrection day, I'm expecting to see him right along there with Abraham, David, Isaac, James, John and all the saints that have lived right up to the modern day.

And I'll know him, and he'll know me."

Booth saw a glimpse of Dahmer on a national television broadcast, and Dahmer said that he wished "sometime in his life he could find a little peace."

Booth sent Dahmer a Bible and a correspondence course teaching the steps of salvation and other religious materials, and Dahmer completed the course and mailed back the answers. Booth contacted an evangelist at the Madison, Wis Church of Christ who set up Bible studies with Dahmer and later baptized him.

Dahmer then became an evangelist to other prisoners, handing out Bibles and salvation correspondence courses, so others could find the peace he had found.

Six months later he was murdered.

Maybe it was "jailhouse religion," hopefully it was a sincere conversion, but according to summaries I've read, Netflix portrayed Dahmer's conversion as making him even worse and even more deserving of his brutal end.

I wonder what would happen if they replaced the LGBTQ tag with a "Christian" one? Is the message that Jesus Christ can redeem even the most monstrous among us the sort of representation we are looking for?

Shout out to Not the Bee users @nobody and @Jennifer for the story about Dahmer's jailhouse conversion.

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