New fleet of driverless trains in London will include fake steering wheels and control buttons so kids can sit in the front and pretend to drive
Ā· Jan 17, 2024 Ā·

Why didn't they have this when we were kids??

Transport for London (TfL) hopes to promote community engagement with its new fleet of driverless trains by encouraging passengers to pretend to drive the train. The new fleets will feature two forward-facing benches, cardboard steering wheels, and control buttons that do nothing at the front of several of the new trains.

Undoubtedly, TfL will get very positive feedback from the kids riding the new DLR trains. There's nothing kids love more than pretending to do grown-up things.

Of course, the trains are driverless, so it's not like they can actually aspire to be train conductors in this situation. But hey, at least they get to use their imagination.

Mayor Sadiq Khan told a reporter last year that he understood the importance of keeping a front seat on the new trains, joking about calling shotgun, or "bagsie," as they call it in merry old England.

I predict that the "driver's seat" on the trains will be very popular among children, much to their parent's chagrin, much like the highly coveted car shopping carts at Publix. It's really only a matter of time until there's a toddler tantrum as a result of the new fun seats on the train.

Depending on how the trial run goes, the interactive features could be added to more of the new trains in the future.

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