J-Lo Netflix movie features pronouns for mechs 🥴
· May 28, 2024 · NottheBee.com

You heard it here first, Netflix is gay.

(Well, maybe we weren't the first to say it, but it's true.)

In Atlas, a new, somewhat poorly received, sci-fi movie starring Jennifer Lopez, Netflix has robots with preferred pronouns (because of course, you bigot).

It does show how robotic and inhuman the woke mind virus is. Like, a real human would say, "I'm a she." But when you're woke, you have to beat everyone over the head with the language of your cultural takeover.

I have just one question for the Mech:


Gender nonsense AND transhuman nonsense all in one 7-second clip!

Any time I hear the phrase "my pronouns are ..." a part of me dies inside.

Every. Single. Time.

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