New poll says majority of Southern Republicans and independents want to secede from the Union, in addition to almost half of Dems on the West Coast

Joel Abbott

Jul 16, 2021

The United States is not so united these days, according to a new poll from YouGov and Bright Line Watch that says two-thirds of Southern Republicans and nearly half of Democrats in the leftist enclave of the Pacific Northwest want to secede from the Union.

In addition, the June poll showed that half of Southern independents were in favor of a national split, and the problem has only gotten worse since Biden the "Unifier" got into office.

Distressingly high proportions of respondents say they would be willing to secede from the United States to join a new union of states in their region. Support is higher among Republicans in Republican-dominated regions and among Democrats in Democrat-dominated regions, but the idea's popularity has risen in some partisan groups and regions of the country since Biden's inauguration.

The poll asked: "Would you support or oppose [your state] seceding from the United States to join a new union with [list of states in new union]?"

Here were some key findings:

  • Among Southern Republicans, support for secession has jumped from 50% in February to 66% in June.
  • 50% of independent voters in the South were also favorable to secession.
  • Support among Republicans in Rocky Mountains states jumped from 36% to 43%.
  • Support among Pacific Democrats (California, Washington, Oregon, Hawaii, and Alaska) jumped from 41% to 47%.
  • Support among Northeast Democrats went up 5 points to 39%.
  • Even 43% of independents in the Midwest and Plains States supported secession, a 9-point-jump since June.

If you read the analysis by Bright Line Watch, you can see some of their political bias in the way they negatively mention "voter suppression" and the Maricopa County election audit in Arizona, or refer to the unarmed riot of dumb-dumbs in the Capitol as "insurrection." That being said, this was a particularly interesting bit of analysis from them:

Constitutional hardball politics like gerrymandering, packing the Supreme Court or blocking Court nominees, voter suppression, abolishing the filibuster, adding new states to the union, or refusing to certify election results enjoy little support among the public and, with few exceptions, among experts. However, these strategies appear to go unpunished by voters when used by elites.

In short, America is being played. Despite the fact that most citizens still share common culture, values, hopes, and dreams, they are being divided.

It makes you wonder: Who could POSSIBLY be doing that?

Could it be the entire media complex and the Left (but I repeat myself) calling January 6 the worst attack on the Union since the Civil War?

"You would not normally compare an insurrection or citizenship laws with a civil war. The reason they're doing this is they want a new civil war, but they don't want to have to fight it," said author Mark Steyn in a recent interview on Tucker Carlson. "They'd rather just have a media campaign civil war that results in half the country being turned into Confederate statues, torn down, and tossed in the garbage can of history.

This is preposterous, and the most preposterous thing is that on January the sixth, half the respectable Right went along with the idiotic Democrat media narrative and helped them weaponize it."

In case you missed it, let me zero in on the key bit of this quote:

"They [read: the neo-Marxist, revolutionary Left] want a new civil war."

I'll leave you with that full interview in case you'd like to see more of how the Left is actively trying to pit Americans against each other:

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