New York City tour guides are offering an "authentic" experience by giving "rat tours" of the city
· Sep 5, 2023 ·

You ever wanted to visit a city and get the real, gritty, authentic experience?

Well, look no further because New York City now has exactly what you're looking for!

Some NYC tour guides are adding extra stops so that tourists can see one of New York's most famous attractions: Rats!

Kenny Bollwerk maps out late-night rat routes near Rockefeller Center and in Flushing and Sunnyside, Queens.

Luke Miller, owner of Real New York Tours, adds a stop to Columbus Park near Chinatown for tourists with a yen for vermin.

"They are like the new celebs in New York City with all the press they are getting," said Miller.

Nothing says "Greatest city on earth!" like tour guides taking you to see the latest and most popular rat infestations!

New York: A nice place to live!

"Rats are like a New York City mascot," said Bollwerk. "People want to see it for themselves."

Bollwerk's free walking tours of rat hotspots include busted-up sidewalks and construction sites where the rodents squeeze themselves under fences and through sidewalk cracks, and restaurants in Sunnyside and Forest Hills where garbage is piled high, and abandoned outdoor dining shacks provide rodent refuge.

Up to 10,000 people at a time tune in to Bollwerk's TikTok live streams as he explores rodent-infested areas.

The rat problem has become so out of control in New York that the city even appointed a "rat czar" to help control the rodent problem. She even took a rat tour herself recently to discover the most problematic areas of town.

This video of rats is shocking:

Oh, maybe those were Muppets.

But still, rats were a major problem in the '80s and have only taken over more of the declining city today.

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