This dude scored on a pickoff play at first and there were no errors or overthrows
· Sep 5, 2023 ·

Okay, Peyton Chatagnier of Ole Miss is an absolute legend for this heads up play right here. Dude scored all the way from first on a basic pickoff play and the ball never left the infield.

Watch this (and try not to cringe at the Alcorn State defense):

Man, I can't tell whether to be completely impressed by the baserunning or to overwhelm myself with disappointment in the poor defense.

Like, why did the third baseman abandon third base? He screwed up the entire play. The catcher, being a heads up guy, came to cover third for him, but then nobody was at home. Sure, I can hear you saying the pitcher should've covered home, but come on, who would've thought the catcher would be covering third on a pickoff play at first base?

And also, how do none of these errors count as errors? smh

Terrible defense, and some beautiful baserunning by Chatagnier to take advantage of it and get a run.

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