Newly revised California bill would punish parents who do not affirm their child's "gender identity"
· Jun 9, 2023 ·

You guys, we are headed down the slippery slope at 200 mph. Check this out:

Yes, I remember warning people about this years ago when it was happening in Canada.

And now it's here.

It's in California, but it's here.

A newly revised California bill would treat parents' refusal to "affirm" their child's gender identity as a violation of health, safety, and welfare in the context of custody disputes.

The bill, which has already passed the State Assembly, would require judges adjudicating such disputes over transgender-identifying children to favor the parent who "affirms" the child's preferred identity. Earlier this week the authors released an updated version that specifically defines "the health, safety, and welfare" of a child to include "a parent's affirmation of the child's gender identity" — a change that the bill's opponents worry will open the door to non-affirmation being treated as abuse.

You betcha this opens up the door to non-affirmation being treated as abuse. These people call themselves progressives, and they do their work in such a way. It won't be long.

But staying right where we are in the present, imagine yourself as a California citizen (sorry), and imagine your wife is just some crazy loon who wants to turn your boy into a girl. You divorce her, but then the state gives your child to your delusional wife so she can run her science experiments on him.

All hope is essentially lost, and you'll hopefully be able to keep your composure and not resort to alternative enforcement of natural law.

Your boy will be chemically castrated and you'll never know who he could've been.

Seriously, that's what's happening here. Men and women alike could lose their kids to crazy people because of this.

The amended bill, known as A.B. 957, is the latest in a slate of legislation to enshrine left-wing gender ideology in California law. State senator Scott Wiener (D.), who coauthored A.B. 957 with Assemblywoman Lori Wilson (D.), is simultaneously advancing a separate bill that would require foster parents to promise to "affirm" trans-identifying children. In 2022, he introduced a first-in-the-nation law enshrining California as a "haven" where out-of-state minors can obtain sex changes without their parents' consent.

Seriously, what's going on in California? Reading this is like reading from a dystopian sci-fi novel.

Like, these are actual real things that are happening out in California, and I'm supposed to pretend this is normal?

Give me a break.

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