Last night as I sat on the couch and devoured my kids' Halloween candy I looked up and was pleasantly surprised when I saw this on my screen.

That's four-time Pro-Bowler Nick Bosa, who has never been shy about his support for Donald Trump.
Look how happy his teammates are to have witnessed this in person on live television:
The overwhelming support of President Donald Trump in this country is becoming more and more obvious every day, and you just love to see it.
Bosa has never been shy about his support for Donald Trump. In fact, when he first came into the league there was controversy surrounding his social media posts. Apparently he dared to support the Orange Man, and some of his posts were even deemed "homophobic" and "racist" by the liberal media.

He even called Colin Kaepernick a clown:

And the liberal response, in a nutshell was this:
Flashes a MAGA hat once and they think he's started a movement to kneel for the national anthem!
I love that the conservative movement has stepped out of our self-censorship bubble and actually started voicing our opinions again.
More of this, America.
More of this.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇